Duna Mae Cat
Expert Django and Python Developer
UX-centered, content-first, mobile-first responsive design. Full-stack: strategy, design, content, code.
- Django expert: ORM (modeling, querying, subqueries, custom managers), CBVs, Forms, Channels, middleware, templates, GeoDjango, DRF, Django Admin, testing
- Frontend, backend, design
- Familiar with popular frontend frameworks
- User-centered interaction design
Freelance Web Development and Design, 2/2024—present
Discussion web app for a private community with Django and HTMX.
Features: sign-up & account management (settings, password reset, 2FA); community-specific sections; user-posted stories per community; comments and nested replies; upvoting stories and comments with vote limits per user over a rolling time window; realtime in-app notification system (Server Sent Events); subscriptions to story comments; tagging; users may hide unwanted content by tag; invite codes for new users; TOS click-through on sign-up. Message Bus architecture, unit tests, documentation with Sphinx, Docker Compose with local and production configurations for easy deployment.
Trym, Inc. 3/2021—2/2024
Software Engineer (Remote)
- Integrated environmental sensor integration APIs for farms: Aranet, Argus (configure devices, store realtime values in InfluxDB time series database, retrieve from Influx for graphs and dashboard displays). Set up websockets using Django Channels for realtime updates to graphs displayed in browser and mobile app.
- Developed backend features: grow log, room-based workflows, streaming CSV downloads of reports, Google Sheets integration for report output, draft harvests, Open Telemetry integration, in-app chat integration, and many more.
- Troubleshoot, unit test, and debug to continuously improve existing code; Python and package upgrades; conversion from requirements.txt to Poetry, customizations to Django Admin, customer support when on call.
- Collaborated with product team and customer support to prioritize bug fixes and design new features.
- Test-driven development, SOLID, and Clean Code practices; code reviews; Message Bus architecture, mentored junior developers and new team members.
- Technology used: Django, Python, PostgreSQL, Django Channels, Django REST Framework, Pandas, requests, pytest, Github, InfluxDB, Redis, Celery, Poetry, Figma, Terraform; AWS: boto3, SQS, RDS, Secrets Manager
Freelance. 7/2020—3/2021
Web Design and Development.
First Stop Health. 11/2017—7/2020
Senior Software Engineer
- Development of web application and Django REST Framework API to facilitate telemedicine consultations through portals designed for members, doctors, customer support staff, and client organizations.
- Built payment backend and UI with Stripe to process co-pays for doctor visits.
- Developed real-time doctor notifications and visit status dashboard using Django Channels and JavaScript.
- Architected a generic interface to telephone and SMS systems which can hot-swap between Twilio and Plivo.
- Developed re-usable “Form Wizard” view class for workflows such as requesting a doctor or counseling visit.
- Developed re-usable class to access third party APIs, and maintain sessions using the requests library.
- Helped specify code style standards, set up documentation systems (Sphinx).
- Developed front-end build script using Gulp with development & production builds and BrowserSync.
- Training, mentoring, and problem solving with junior/new developers.
- Technology used: Django, Python, Django Channels, Celery, Django REST Framework, Wagtail, Crispy Forms, Sphinx, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Gulp, Webpack, Sass, Bootstrap 4, Docker Compose, various libraries.
Freelance. 12/2014—11/2017
Full-stack web designer and developer.
Completed various development projects at First Stop Health as a freelancer for a few months before joining them full-time.
Mobile-first responsive site design for Logan Arcade, custom CMS to manage lists of events, video games, and pinball machines. Syncs current pinball list with Pinball Map API. Uses Docker Compose, Django, Python, Sass, Foundation, CSS3 animations.
Created open source Python client to update and retrieve Pinball Map listings from Python.
Mobile-first responsive re-design for Lincoln Square Pottery Studio–Learning Center
Mobile-first responsive re-design for Wholesale Poster Frames
Aggrego, LLC. 12/2012—12/2014
Senior Software Engineer
- Development of events and user-generated content (UGC) system used across 30+ sites. The UGC forms are implemented as a web-embeddable app. The server is Django, form data appears in a CMS where editors may publish to the local community sites. Event listings come from the UGC forms and other sources. Events are displayed on local websites based on geo shape files. I18N/L10N.
- Developed form for photographers to submit wedding albums to bouquetcatcher.com and export to relevant local community sites. Used Flask, SQLAlchemy, Celery/RabbitMQ task queue for processing large images.
- Collaborate with stakeholders and development team to meet objectives and deadlines.
- Working with: Python, Flask, Django, SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL, PostGIS, MongoDB, jQuery, CoffeeScript, Ajax, Handlebars, Jade, Twitter Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, Ruby on Rails, Grunt, Vagrant, responsive iframes.
- Attention to stability, scalability, app packaging, fast-loading pages, automated deployment, cross-browser testing.
Chicago Legal Search, Ltd. 11/2002—12/2012
Chicago’s preeminent legal recruiting firm
Senior Web Developer
Design, develop and constantly improve internal web application named Kiksom used to track client and candidate qualifications and history, candidate submissions, who is interviewing where & when, follow-ups, placements, job descriptions and ads. Tracks which candidates are assigned to which recruiter, and generates reports on contact and activity with candidates and clients. Allows recruiters to search the database of 38,000 candidates with detailed criteria such as degrees, honors, certifications by year, and practice areas. Designed logo for the app.
Uses Pylons, Python, MongoDB, jQuery, CoffeeScript, Ajax, Handlebars
Design, develop and improve internal web application for employee time clock. Staff punch in and out, and generate time cards and reports for payroll.
Design and maintain websites for the three divisions of the company using a custom Django CMS I wrote. Monitor search rankings, traffic (Google Analytics), and manage Google AdWords campaigns.
- East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania — Bachelor of Science, Media, Communication, and Technology,
Other Stuff
Gave an Intro to Graph Databases talk at the Evanston Web Technology Meetup in April 2017.
Open Source Projects
- Django SSE for HTMX (creator, maintainer) - a convenient way to use Server Sent Events with HTMX.
- Bus Ride (creator, maintainer) - a simple implementation of the Message Bus architecture, based on the book Architecture Patterns with Python.
- Python Pinball Map (creator, maintainer) - utility for accessing the Pinball Map API from Python.
I ♥ Python, pinball, music, science, rails-to-trails, film, photography, art.